Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Democratic change in Ethiopia support organization in Norway proudly announce to all Ethiopians and supports that our radio station soon be on air.

Democratic change in Ethiopia support organization in Norway strongly believe in the existence of free media which is one of the building blocks of democratic system unfortunately the ruling party in Ethiopia crackdown all free media institutions and surpassed freedom of expression for over two decades. 
Our organization relentlessly condemn this inhuman regime ever since our establishment and one of our primary goal is to work with any legitimate organization with the agenda of change the current regime to embark our country to a democratic and peaceful state , on anther hand to help and facilitate the struggle for freedom implying vital instruments , as a result we are proud to announce the establishment of our new radio service via internet in order to reduce the absence of free media in Ethiopia and we aim to intensify our struggles to build democratic system in Ethiopia under which freedom and justice are guaranteed .
Our radio station starts its first broadcast system test on 24th of May 2014 from 1pm till 3pm through our internet radio services dceson.listen2myradio.com/ to all of our esteemed audiences here in Norway and all over the world. 
Our services are accessible everywhere the internet is available. We work alongside with all freedom loving citizens and organizations to get our voice heard as well as to reach out our supporters and members about organizational, local and international activities.
Victory to the people of Ethiopia.
Democratic change in Ethiopia support organization in Norway

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