Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ethnic apartheid regime of the TPLF

Ethnic apartheid regime of the TPLF is not a formidable foe when we utilize our collective strength. As we do, we do not need the permission of TPLF/EPRDF or their supporters—inside or outside Ethiopia—in order for us to come together. We also can do it at the time of our own choosing! This is not the same old game. The rules of operation have changed. The rules of change means tolerating some degree of division as part of a process of sorting out the best ways to get to a common goal. New leadership, where the leaders put humanity before ethnicity, will automatically produce some inner tensions between the goals, values and tactics of these new leaders and those who believe in ethnic divide and conquer politics. TPLF uses Article 39 for its own advancement at the cost of the destruction of the country. People are supposed to think they have autonomy, but they are under the control of the TPLF. TPLF/EPRDF does not want all the varied groups with their different approaches to have a dialogue and to come up with common goals. Yet, dialogue and compromise is the best means to be used to restore peace and harmony to Ethiopia. Because of this, we in the SMNE, and others are determined to work as hard as possible to accomplish such solidarity. We will try to make sure that all these political, civic and religious groups come together in the same room and have a dialogue for a lasting peace in Ethiopia. An atmosphere of peace is just the beginning of the road to building a future for a New Ethiopia. source -Obang Metho

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